Manya Susoev


To complete this unit, you will turn in the following

Six Discussion Questions completed as a group

1. Why was linear perspective developed? What were artists trying to accomplish?
2. Why was this important to artists? To architects? Why would it also be important to scientists and engineers?
3. How are the principles of perspective used in media, such as photographs and film?

4. What is a vanishing point?

5. Define the horizon line in a one point perspective drawing.

6. What are orthogonal lines in a perspective drawing?

One line drawing completed during the class period.

Create using pencil and paper,a simple line drawing of the room in which you are working, in one point perspective. Each of you will create a drawing. Spend about 15 minutes. Your drawing should indicate the walls, ceiling, floor, and largest objects in the room, all in perspective. Be sure to include:

Vanishing point
Horizon line
Orthogonal lines.

A more detailed version of your line drawing. You will complete this as homework.

You will finsh your drawing by adding details of elements in the room. Spend about one hour refining and perfecting your drawing. Look at the examples of finished student drawings. Turn in your finished drawings to the drop box, or bring to class.

Discussion Questions 6 x 5 = 30
Line Drawing 35
Finished Drawing 35

Total 100



  Created by Nancy Wood. Last updated 1-2007.